Sunday, December 28, 2008

Giving is Awesome Winner Announced!

This years deserving recipient of the Giving is Awesome Package is the Mantell Family who was nominated by Stephanie C.! The Mantells are awarded a $500 Photography Package for photography services, photos, albums etc. Plus as an added bonus, the person who nominated them decided to give them her $150 package!

The Mantell Family experienced the loss of their father, Donald Mantell, on December 12, 2008 in his fight against cancer. This left his wife Nicole to raise 3 year old triplets and a five year old on her own. The other thing about this family that struck a chord deep within me is that Donald was an Officer of the Lyndhurst Police Department. So he also served other people. From the articles and emails I read, he was a good husband, awesome father, a fighter, and also a hero to some. So I'm very happy to award this Package to the Mantell Family.

Thank you so much for all of the nominations! It was definitely a hard choice given the economy and the stories I received. For those people who did not win the Giving is Awesome package, I would like to offer them something also. So I will be contacting all of you very soon!

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